Friday, March 29, 2013

"Sad Eyes" by John S LES

Sad Eyes...
by John S LES

I see your sad eyes
They are strangers to me
I saw the tears flow and let them be
I prefer to see your eyes oh so happy
What can I do to make the pain go away
This is not the you that I see everyday
You are the one who brightens my life in every way
Please hold my hand and just try to smile
Or let me just hug and hold you for a little while
Leaving you alone now is not my style
Whatever it is, it will pass
Pain like this will never last
Lean on me, I'll be your other half

These sad eyes are a stranger to your face
Your sadness seems so out of place.
No matter the heartache, my angel just remember that I'm here
Your heart has been broken, that much is clear
Please let my love dry all those tears...

"Blue" by John S LES

by John S LES

What was this, you wore something new?
You wore some lingerie in a baby blue

Blue looks beautiful on you.
Blue reminds me of the ocean view
Blue reminds me of a beautiful sky
Blue reminds me of how blessed am I.
Blessed to see that blue on you.

Blessed to see how radiant it makes me and you
Blue like the music we listened to
Blue like the bed sheets we slept on last night
Blue like my heart felt our last fight.
Blue like when I leave you or we don't talk

This blue had lace and it had strings
This blue will now also have memories of our romantic things

Well tonight you can turn the clock back
Try something lacy in basic black
But if your heart feels different from your head
You can wear something in passion pink or purple...or velvet red.

I promise if you wear your lacy white
Just come to bed I'll turn off the lights

At the end of the day it really isn't about the color blue
It's just your sensuality, our chemistry and the fact that I just love you

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"Sleeping Beauty" by John S LES

Sleeping Beauty
by John S LES

I awakened in the middle of the night to hear you talking in your sleep.  I felt your head on my arm and you curling up next to me.  Even in your sleep I could see how beautiful you are inside...even in your sleep.  I could feel how warm and open your heart always is to people.  So beautiful.

It made me think back to where I was before this moment.  All I could think of was that no matter all of the riches in the world, nor all of the material things gained...nothing could equal this moment with you.  You cuddling with me, asleep and exposed...yet still so perfectly beautiful.  I realize how lost I was before I met you.

Your voice, your thoughts, your rhythm has been a guiding force, a positive influence upon the spirit inside me.  A light in the darkness and business of life.  A beacon of understanding.  A safe place where I can be me and exhale because in this place there is no fail...there is only love, peace and companionship.

So as you lay here by my side and I hear your voice and feel you nestling up to me, I am even more happy that you are happy and feel safe to be sleeping here with me.

Friday, March 15, 2013

"Moon Shine" by John S LES

Moon Shine
by John S LES

I see the moon shining over the ocean on a clear summer night.  My love...she is away overseas.  But, I can feel her thoughts.  Just as I can see the rays of the sun bouncing off of the moon, and then those rays reflecting into the ocean, I can feel my lover's thoughts for me.  I can feel her heart and her thoughts radiating over the horizon and bouncing off of the moon and onto me.  All I have to do is use my mind to reach through the uncertainty and murkiness of the darkness and distance.

We just have to use the silence and stillness inside our thoughts to truly hear the voice of love.  The voice of love knows no boundaries.  It can travel through billions of miles and stay alive through millions of years.  That one ray of love and hope knows no end until it finds its target.

Just look at that ray of love coming from an object billions of miles behind you and reflecting off another object before it finally lands on the ocean in front of you.  Look at the peace and serenity it brings you when you stare at a picture of it taken many, many days ago.  Only love can have such everlasting power.  It's power over hatred and evil.  It's power to travel past stars, planets, continents and oceans.  Moon shine is Sun shine and Love is like Sun shine.

Even if you have no love in your life...know that that the power and love of God are always shining on and night.  Just look at the picture and see it...

Thursday, March 14, 2013

"If My Love..." by John S LES

If my love lived across the sea...
What a world class swimmer I'm sure I'd be.

If my love had slipped my hand...
I would never stop searching for her over sea or land.

If my love does kiss my lips...
I will savor the taste as if they were honey dipped.

If my love does take my heart...
It will forever be till death does us part.

If my love does ask for child...
I will give her anything, let our hearts run wild.

If my love does stay and grow old...
I will love her with all my body, mind and soul 

If my love dies before I wake...
I pray to the Lord for two souls to take.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"She Was Captivating" by John S LES

She Was Captivating
by John S LES

When she entered the room, she was captivating.  Her mere presence filled the room even though she was quiet and kept to herself.  She was tall, with these big, almond shaped, gorgeously intense blue, gray eyes and an hour glass figure.

Her eyes reminded me of the color of the sky when you looked out to the ocean during sunrise.  Her shoulder length, wavy and curly brown hair alluded to the free, yet wistful inner spirit inside her.   Her lips were full and so perfectly shaped not even the most talented surgeon in Hollywood would even dare try to recreate this face.  This face was beyond their talents.  This face was a gift from God.

Some people say that the eyes are doorways to the soul.  Her eyes were the doorways to an incredibly creative and deep spiritual ocean.  Her natural facial expressions created an air of aloofness and mystery, yet she was very keenly aware and connected with all of her surroundings...except for me.  I just couldn't wait until she came over to my bar and ordered a drink from me.  Working at this hotel in the Bahamas allows me to see some of the prettiest women from all over the world throughout the year and even more so during the vacation season.  But this one was different.  Her beauty wasn't just from her unique looks.  Her beauty came from something far deeper than just her features.  Her beauty was from deep inside.

She didn't belong here.  She belonged in an old Humphry Bogart movie with a music playing behind her from "Lily Was Here"

She ordered a margarita, which I made in no time.  I could smell the perfume she was wearing.  It was very alluring and exotically perfect for her.  It was called Alien.  So intense.  So sensual.  Just like this woman in front of me.

I said a few things about her vacationing here in the Bahamas that made her laugh.  Her smile and laugh was infectious.  You could see the vulnerability of her bigger than life heart and so be able to make her laugh gave you some joy as well.

She was curious about traveling to certain restaurants outside the hotel and I was more than happy to tell her about some of my favorite ones.  Just as I was about to tell her, another tourist came riding by on a jet ski on the water channel by the bar and I could no longer hear her...

And that was when I woke up on my plane.  I was still on my flight going back to Europe.  That's when I realized that the smell of the Alien perfume of the beautiful woman sitting next to me had influenced my dream.  But she was still fast asleep now.  We had some small very engaging conversation before we both fell asleep.  I'll be looking forward to chatting again before and after we land.

If I'm lucky...maybe, just maybe...I'll even get to have that dinner with her...

Monday, March 11, 2013

"Scent Of A Woman" by John S LES

Scent of A Woman
by John S LES

There is nothing that can bright up a room more than the scent of a woman.  Whether it is her perfumes or body chemistry - I can say that I've lived long enough and been in and out of rooms inhabited by both men and women, and the truth cannot be hidden.  Women overall can brighten up a room.  They definitely leave less foul body odors than men in a room.  That's not to say that all women are perfect and clean.  Not at all.  It's just to say that women sweat less, clean up more, and deodorize rooms more often than men, and therefore truly "brighten" up a place.

Cheers to women on this earth to counterbalance us men!

Saturday, March 2, 2013

"The Unconditional Love And Compassion" by John S LES

Ever look into the eyes of your dog or cat and see the unconditional love that they express towards you?  I am bewildered why we can't get that same kind of unconditional love, compassion and trust from each other...even when we disagree.

In my lifetime, I have owned an array of pets, a list which includes no less than koi, goldfish, parakeets, gerbils  hamsters, toads, salamanders, turtles, dogs and cats.  I've also had friends who've owned monkeys, iguanas, snakes, rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets and horses.  That is a fairly broad range of animals to have as pets.  What amazes me is that in just about every animal listed, when you observed the animal's behavior around a person it had affection for or trusted - those emotions were always very clear and distinct.  In some way this particular person was the person they looked to as mother, father, protector or family.

Over the Internet there is a video of a lion in a cage hugging a woman through the bars of the cage.  As the story that goes with the video, the woman had rescued this lion in the wild from near death.  Nursed it back to full health.  After a period of time, she turned the lion over to a zoo and did not see the lion again for some time.  Then, after some time had passed she returned to visit the lion and the video shows this lion clearly reaching through the bars of his cage, pulling her forward and literally hugging this woman like a baby hugging it's mother.

Then after I watched that video, I read a simple news article on the Internet, and after the article there is commentary.  After maybe one or two initial nice remarks, the commentary immediately degenerates into some hateful, racial, political, sexual and divisive conversation.  Gone was the ability to give a thoughtful and free comment.  Now all these "opinion experts" were running amok with their vile and personal attack commentary.  It is shameful. 

Mankind has the extraordinary ability to build a computer, to construct an Internet, to create the power, wired and wireless resources to run it all - yet we don't have the simple compassion to communicate to one another about a differing opinions, awareness or experiences - without trying to crush or tear someone opposite of us apart.  Is it a sign of weakness to speak towards someone with respect even if they have a different or opposing opinion to you?  When it comes down to it, does a man and a dog opinions differ all that much when it comes to seeing a cooked steak or the wagging behind of their female opposites?

Yet you put two opposing strangers in a comments section of an Internet article and the conversation degenerates into something like two pit-bulls fighting in a ring.  Even in that sad and cruel example of two pit-bulls fighting, you have to know that someone is pulling their string, egging them onto this barbaric fight.  I have to wonder who or what is egging on the people in the comments section of an article on the Internet?

Alas, before my own brain becomes darkened after reading such social vitriol, I usually just close that Internet article and go to another page.  When I'm done reading, I turn to my three "man eating" Rottweilers (who are always sitting or laying somewhere near me) and look into their eyes.  When they look back, they re-energize me and remind me about the single most important thing in life: unconditional love.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Mind, Body and Soul...

Recently a friend said to me that we see love on display everywhere.

It is on television, it is in songs, it is movies and even tied into many things that we purchase..from the mundane to the luxurious.

Love is all that we need.  Love is right there waiting for us.  Love is out there and all around us.  We become intoxicated with the idea of having it and receiving it. 

However, the reality is that few people are willing to give love, to trust love, to share real passionate and caring love to one another.  Perhaps it is from all the wounds and damage that we suffer along the way in life?  Perhaps we just get too traumatized and damaged to trust someone else.  Or perhaps we ourselves don't truly believe in love and therefore can't really give it in the first place. 

When we are 16 and in love, and we say to someone we love "I need you." How does the power of such a simple statement change as we grow older?  By the time we are 26 years old, are we more or less likely to say "I need you"?  What about when we are 36 or 46, or even 56?

Time and the damages of life does influence us.

We need to keep a fresh mind about life.  We should try not to allow negative thoughts and stereotypes to influence our opinions of an individual.  We need to always learn to assume nothing about them.  Instead, we should  try to explore who they are as an individual and work with their energy.

When two flames are placed on one candle, the candle burns twice as bright, but only lasts half as long.

When one candle burns midway into the other candle, you shorten the life of one candle and could possibly extinguish the life of the second candle with the spill over.

However, when two flames from two candles are brought together they burn a brighter light and last a normal lifetime.

These examples of working together to become better works this way in all of our relationships.  With family, friends, coworkers...and especially the person we're in love with. 

When you first allow yourself to give love, and then allow yourself to receive Mind, Body and Soul love...the two people become like that third example of candles.  You burn together a flame twice as bright as all others and are able to live a normal life span.

All of this starts with just two words.  Trust and Effort.  You have to see the person in front of you for all the right reasons and realities.

It could all start with a simple hello, or a look, or a feeling.  It could start from a mere passing by.  In the end it will be the effort of words and deeds together that will build that trust.  That trust will build a future.  That future of everlasting Mind, Body and Soul love.