Tuesday, May 9, 2017

"The Baron In The Tower" by John S LES

Photo by John S LES

"The Baron In The Tower"

By John S LES

Who's the baron sitting atop the golden tower?
He became a king wielding all kinds of power.
Stopping intellectual progress in just one single hour.
Sweet grapes of wrath, now suddenly gone sour.
So much greed and dirty deeds, makes you wanna shower.
We have local leaders, but to money they all cower.
We the People must take back our power.
Plant positive seeds with positive deeds
And grow them into flowers.
Stop the blaming and hate gaming -
Or our souls it will devour.
To give our children a future - we must empower!
Time to get busy doing,
Before we're in ruins -
Switching representatives is our choice.
Let Lady Liberty hear our voice
Time to stand up in this 11th hour!