Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Stay Woke Or We Will Perish.

By JStergis L.E.S.

From a distance it would seem that in recent years, America and the UK are both embroiled in national battles of Conservatives vs Liberals. But, a closer look into the details reveals a more pernicious battle at hand. This battle is between those who have money and power and don't want to share it  - and everyone else. All religious, social, moral, and economic principles are null and void when today's "Conservatives" are confronted on sharing money and power with the very masses they depend on. 

Here in the US, the once morally strong Republican party, the party of Lincoln, has devolved over the last 55 years.  They seem to be now be a party of unprincipled misfits, racists and malcontents. This descent may have started during the 1960's when many white Conservatives in the South and Midwest left the Democratic party. But, it quietly snowballed into an immovable object since the Reagan administration.  Once upon a time, there were honorable members of the party who served. But, they have either left, retired or died.  They have been replaced by people who have no principles whatsoever.  This purge continues to this day.  The primary goals of the new misfits are twofold: money and power, nothing more.

The sick, the needy, the disenfranchised, war veterans, laborers, teachers - are all background noise to be controlled to achieve the aforementioned two primary goals.  It is really sad.  Why?  Because it is healthy to have a room with a variety of opinions and cross-cultural ideas, so that we can better form our nation and create policies to include all. America, the country, does better when all Americans, the people, do better. 

But with this group, they spend every waking moment attacking any notion of progressive thinking that actually might benefit people struggling in daily financial, social and ethnic inequalities. It is hard to fathom that this current politicos actions are based on the same principles that Lincoln ruminated in his darkest hours during the Civil War.

Lincoln fought for the unification of our country. These people fight only for the grab of power from the majority. They even dared to fly the Confederate flag in our nation's Capital, during last January's insurrection. I do not believe this would have sat right with Lincoln, Eisenhower, Nixon, Reagan or either Bush. In fact, I know that it would not have sat right with any of them.

You can search online yourself, and see that all three of Reagan's children, and the administrators in charge of the Reagan library, all rejected the use of the Reagan name by the Trump administration. This is how far off the road we have allowed these people to go. Quite a number of you voters are complicit.  These people are terrible for government.  But, it's some of you out there who voted them in.

It is not Liberalism, or Conservatism that's destroying America. It's Nihilism and the complete rejection of laws, morality and long held democractic principles. Right now, it's the far Right leading the way in eroding these values. 

Everyday these new, so-called, right leaning politicians and their supportive media, spend countless hours making any positive ideas, slogans and principles be perceived as horrible or destructive.  Meanwhile they make their own morally decrepit ideas and principles sound beneficial for everyone. Yet, it is only they and their ilk who are the beneficiaries. Moderates and leftists who label themselves as "politically enlightened", "politically aware", "socially aware", and "liberal" on a daily basis are drawn out as life threatening political, and moral enemies.  It's insanity. These are our own people. Our own families and friends interwoven into our history. We are all Americans. 

Why morally decrepit?  Because these new politicians themselves are hiding, overlooking, and disregarding all the the same corrupt things, that they claim the other side is doing.  They cover for the most corrupt behaviors within their own party and within their own souls. 

No time in world history has any nation or empire been able to survive based on such blatant and overt corruption and hypocrisy.  This group do not want any check and balance of their own wrongdoings. They want zero accountability, while labeling everyone who doesn't agree with them, as mortal enemies to the common man who must be eviscerated. 

Only today's current political right can make the word or notion "aware" or "woke" appear to be a skewed ideology or the thinking pattern of an enemy of the state.  Being open minded is not a curse, nor is it a complete cure. It's just a better way of thinking to open dialog and work towards a resolution, than when you have a close mind. We all have to strike compromises in our personal and professional lives, without tearing each other down. Why should the political theater be any different?

I leave you all with this thought:  The antonym of "woke" is asleep. The opposite of open minded is close minded. Being woke is better than being a sleeping, close minded, malcontent pretending to know all the concerns of people around me. I would rather be woke and miss my mark, then asleep and miss it all. #staywoke

Folks, love must win. For if it doesn't, then there will be nothing left to fight for, except to serve the tyrants, or become one. 

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