Monday, June 24, 2013

Is Love Everlasting?

When she walked into that dark room, it was as if the sun had entered.

She looked over at me and there was an instant connection as she could see the energy beaming off of me.  The connection was immediate.  We were two different planets emitting our own bright light of energy, gravity and attraction of others.

But our singular attraction or gravity towards each other that gave our love to each other it uniqueness.  It was a connection of our hearts, our minds and our breath.  From that moment on we didn't want to be as connected with anyone else as we were with one another.

When you are connected like that, all of your feelings and emotions come from within your body.  You feel your soul being affected.  You instantly and naturally become concerned with the life and health of the person  in front of you.  That feeling becomes as natural as inhaling a breath of fresh air.

You realize that being in love with this person, having such strong emotions and spiritual attachments is rare and illusive thing in the span of our lives.  You want to be with that person. become attached.

Then life goes on.  You either grow together, or you grow apart.  We all grow in different rates.  We are all effected by the challenges of life along the way.  Either way, without the proper nourishment or the loss of focus, or both that feeling of ultimate closeness withers away until it is gone.

What was once a rare and unusual attractive moment in your life is now and old and cumbersome emotional burden that you tote around.  Or so we think.

A former co-worker of mine, who has passed nearly ten years ago was a World War II veteran.  His wife, was a teenage, POW from the French Resistance during the war.  He was her American soldier who helped rescue her.  Once they got back stateside, they married and had kids, etc.  It is a beautiful love story.  A real life Hollywood movie love story.  When they were together, you could just feel the decades long connection of love that they had together all the way to his death.  Their love for each other was never a burden.  It was in fact, an enhancement to their lives.  She is still alive, working, living and going on about her life.  However, you can still see how his passing still affects her heart today.  She fills and occupies her life with part time work, her children and grandchildren and memories of her beloved.

We don't know when we're going to leave this world.  We have no predisposed notion of that time.  We need to take the time that we have to live, love and rejoice in the positive things and people that we have around us.  Our time together could be a minute, a year, or 100 years.

Love is a gift, a blessing, that has no guarantees attached to it.  If you do not nourish it, just like any other living organism, it will wither and die.  But when you nourish lives long after we are gone.  Love is everlasting.

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