Some of my family, friends and coworkers are constantly asking me questions about this particular blog. In some instances, they have actually been either shocked or misunderstood some of my postings. Even though they know me, they read a post and think that everything I write is about something happening in my personal life. All I can say is that you've got it all wrong. In fact, these writings aren't about me. This blog is simply about love. Love for yourself, your family, your friends, a significant other in your life, and even love for your ethnicity and nationality. The title of this blog raises the very question that seems to be on everyone's mind, yet no one has the courage to actually verbalize it. We seem to be afraid to talk about love and it's different forms, almost as if it were a plague or a sign of weakness.
For example, "Dark Love" isn't about any of my personal sexual practices, it's simply about a form of deep, sensual love that some people enjoy. "My Love For My Country - Mother Ukraine," well...I'm not Ukrainian. I'm 100% American. But I have a friend who has been experiencing the historic changes in that country that the world has been watching the past five or six months. That poem was dedicated as a peaceful rallying point for all sides in Ukraine to remember what they are actually fighting and striving for. And lastly, on my "Goodbye My Son" poem, I can assure you that I do not have a fractured relationship with my son. I have blogged about him on some posts at my However, there are men, plenty of men, who do have fractured relationships with their son(s). That poem was written to show that here was a man recognizing his own faults and weaknesses as he has an epiphany that what was happening was his own fault, and not his son's or anyone else's.
Therefore, "" is simply about love. If you're reading this, or your friend, mother, brother, sister, wife or boyfriend is reading this - this is a good thing. We need to look love in the eyes. We need to see and understand and better learn to accept love for what it is, rather than walking around and judging one another. If you're wondering where love has gone, it hasn't gone anywhere. It just seems to me that we are simply more afraid to reach out to one another and speak about it. We sort of have hidden ourselves behind the walls of our homes, our computer keyboards, and our mobile devices.
I encourage anyone and everyone who reads my posts, to simply allow themselves to have an open mind, to see and recognize these instances of love that I write about and perhaps to learn from the love in their own lives and help make themselves, and those around them better. Let's communicate! You can leave a comment or reach out to me and share your thoughts through any of the other mediums listed.
Ultimately the real secret about this blog is that most of it has been inspired by those of you who have reached out to me and communicated some element of love. I hope that I can continue to share those sparkling jewels of knowledge in such a manner that all of us can become better at understanding love.