Friday, November 30, 2012

A Hug A Day

Some days you wake up wanting to give a hug...and some days you wake up wanting a hug...

I know I've met some people who don't like to be hugged.  They get stiff and cold when put into that situation.  It's amazing that anyone can grow up feeling that way.  From the time we're born there's someone hugging us, while feeding us or burping us.  Or at least there is supposed to be.  Perhaps that's why those people who eventually grow up fearing a hug began to feel that way?  When they needed a hug the most in their development after birth, there was no one there to give it?  Or the hugs that they asked for were eventually betrayed by the person they trusted when they hugged them?  It's a shame actually.  Hugs are the most naturally nice gestures in all of life...just like a smile.

A hug a day.  Give it and try to receive it. 

Where Has Our Love Gone?

Where has our love gone?  Seems like we're marrying later.  Lusting sooner and longer.  Both men and women working.  Some younger men do not seem to know their roles in a relationship.  The same goes for women.

I once wrote in another blog that it seems like men and women have lost their way in the matter of loving one another.  The betterment of equality between men and women shouldn't mean that they have equal roles.  Two right hands make a good handshake, but they are lousy together trying to catch a ball. is like a ball.  We need to separate hands to catch it and hold it properly.  Two opposite hands that work together.  It is becoming rarer and rarer in this world that people have the patience to keep working together.

So where did our love go?  Most of us do see love as a brightly lit end destination off in the distance.  We all walk along a pathway towards it.  Some of us surrender to love.  Some of us fight off love.  Some of us even treat it as if were a toy to be played with.

One thing is for some point in our lives...we will all need order to survive.  The following will be a few stories, comments and observations on love.  Feel free to share yours.